May 28Liked by Off the Page

Thank you, Pastor Jeremy, for speaking to the truth in scripture about forgiveness. It says in Ephesians 4:32: “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” I have learned that forgiveness begins in my heart even before the person who sinned against me repents. Then after he is rebuked, when he comes to me in repentance, I will be ready to offer it to him. This is how God offers repentance to anyone who comes to Him, confesses, and bows to his Lordship. His forgiveness is available to anyone, but it is conditional on them coming to Him in repentance. ~ Debbie Valenta

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Thanks, Debbie, and I agree. In fact, our conversation on Sunday after the service really helped me clarify my own thoughts on the matter! (Too bad we didn’t talk before I was preached on it lol!)

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